Fastest Way to Install WordPress

Wordpress is described as an open source platform for web designing. It is continuously growing, becoming powerful each passing year and never fails to amaze its valued users in creating the best website. It can be used to create personal blogs, magazine sites, membership sites and more. It is so easy to use and customizable that anyone with any html knowledge is able to take advantage of it.

For some, installing Wordpress is a problem for them especially for novices. Luckily, it is not what they think! Installing Wordpress is actually quite simple. At first, it may be something tricky especially without knowledge on how to install any source platform. To make it short, there is a simple way on how to do it in an instant. It is with the help of "One Click Install".

Doing installation manually is not that difficult. In fact, you can do it in as fast as ten minutes only. Yet, there are some people that want everything to be acutomated so they prefer the "One Click Install" method. The only good thing about the former method is you can learn something about the whole process and of course become more familiar with the software.

Before installation, there are some facts that you should know about Wordpress. If you are planning to look for a self hosted Wordpress, a domain name and Wordpress installation package is required. For domain name, you can get it from the domain registrar. You also need a host. The hosting account is like a server just like a computer that is accessible from the internet.

On the process of looking for a hosting account, make sure that whatever you chose offers a "One Click Wordpress Install". After you have successfully got a hosting account and domain name, you still have to do two things. Firstly, you should add your domain to your hosting account. Secondly, you have to install Wordpress. Simply click the "One Click Install" and you are required to fill out some information such as password. Click the "install" button and the process will automatically begin. The installation process will be completed in only thirty seconds.

Why wait for 10 minutes if there is a much shorter way of installing Wordpress? This is a very practical thing to do especially for busy people. We are now living in a fast-paced modern society where time is precious. Hope this method helps you to quickly install your first wordpress site.

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