Five Small Ideas That Could Make All The Difference In Your Job Search

Now and again it's the small items that matter. In today's job tip we'll check out 5 small things you can readily do that might prove an indispensable difference in your own job search.

#5 - Check and Re-Check Your Resume. The challenging part about resumes is often writing them to begin with, and guaranteeing they accurate and complete. That being so, it's bewildering just how many include formatting, spelling, or grammatical issues! Be sure to utilize your word processor's spelling and grammatical check, and make sure to review acronyms and any technical terms or items that may get by your spell checker.

Also be sure that when you transfer your resume from your word processor to a web based form or application, to check the line spacing, paragraphs, and overall readability of your resume online. Your resume must look good where the employer would see and review it.

#4 - Network with Your Friends. Friends could be a better job search resource than you are aware of. They may have connections at firms or with executives that you're unaware of. Letting them understand that you're looking and just what you're looking for might go a long ways. The easy part is that it's probable you're networking with them already, very likely via Facebook and Twitter.

#3 - Create A Target List of Employers. There's probably a small group of 10-20 companies that are in your area that match your career or targeted profession. Producing this list will likely be easy just from your familiarity with the area or industry. You could also spend a little bit of time online to find and assemble your list.

Go to each employer on your list regularly, and have a look at their 'Careers' section for fresh job openings. The details published on the employer's website is likely the most current and complete available as it doesn't cost them anything to update. If an opening is placed, use information from their website to help tailor and customize your resume to correspond.

#2 - Have More Than One Resume. Virtually every job you apply for is likely different from the last. They may be different companies, positions, or job responsibilities. Be sure you take just a couple of minutes before you apply to each job to highlight significant things in your resume that you wish the employer to understand about you, and the reasons why your qualifications and experience warrant an interview. When we get older and have a wider qualifications and knowledge, it becomes even more crucial to carefully choose and highlight key qualifications so that how well you meet a specific opening isn't hidden.

Also don't forget to keep track of the exact variations you've produced of your resume to help you to bring the correct version with if you should have an interview.

#1 - Prepare For Your Interview. Preparing for an interview is simple to do, but quite often overlooked. It's even easier now when almost every company has an online presence with an 'About Us' section. This will frequently include a company history, an overview of the management team, investor data, and current news items. Taking just an hour or so to familiarize yourself with the employer you are interviewing with will equip you for questions and help you sound educated and prepared. It will also probably enhance your confidence going into the interview to begin with. Time well spent.

So remember to have a look at these small tips in your job search. These small details are fast and easy to do, nonetheless can make the distinction between getting the job you're in search of, or if you keep on looking. Best of luck!

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